No community can insulate itself by isolating itself from the rest of humanity. Irrespective of colour, gender, race, ethnicity, or social differences, the human family is one global community; as the pandemic has shown us, whatever affects one might ultimately affect all. We must work to promote the collective good. It is in your interest to work for my good, and it is in mine to support yours. Life on earth is transient, while here, we must allow our candles to burn to give light to others.
Charles Gimoh, Founder Refuge Network International
We are Refuge Network International
We are a local and international non-governmental organisation working with teams of dedicated local and foreign-based volunteers to alleviate poverty and empower communities.
Our Passion
We are passionate about the poor, the helpless and the hopeless. We strive to be a voice for the voiceless, a refuge for the vulnerable and a source of strength for the weak.
Our Vision
Our vision is to to see a free and fair world; one devoid of haunting poverty, senseless human suffering, and social injustices.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to make a difference, and change lives; one person at a time.