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Helping Everyone We Can, Everywhere We Go


People Homeless in the UK

109 Million

People At Risk Of Poverty Or Social Exclusion In The EU

150 Million

People Homeless On Earth

1.3 Billion

People Living In Multi-dimensional Poverty Worldwide

Supporting refugees, homeless, and impoverished people in Europe

Humanitarian Outreach to Greece During the Pandemic

We distributed First Aid boxes, meals, face masks, and hand sanitisers to disadvantaged women, individuals, and families at Omonia Square, Ermou Street, Monastiraki, and on the streets of Athens

Charity Across
Borders (CAB)

Charity Across Borders (CAB) is a faith-based initiative with a mandate to highlight the problem of destitution and the plight of the homeless in the UK, and across international borders, with a view to galvanizing support for victims, while doing everything we can to help whomever we can wherever we go.

We are part of a network of affiliated charities working with individuals, communities, and organisations to end poverty , and facilitate a dignified existence for people everywhere, irrespective of racial, national, sexual, religious or cultural orientation.



You can help! We have answered the questions of how you can help with two simple words, Giving and Going. You can give to any of our projects or  volunteer to go work on a project with CAB.

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© 2015-2023. Refuge Network International.


Refuge Network UK | 7 Bell Yard | London WC2A 2JR| United Kingdom

Refuge Network International | Office 7 | St Vincent House | 30 Orange Street | London WC2H 7HH | United Kingdom

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